RDA Orana Blog

Opportunity to connect and collaborate

Written by rda_admin_patrick | Feb 14, 2018 2:00:00 PM

RDA Orana executive officer Megan Dixon said the NSW Energy and Resources Knowledge Hub provides an ideal platform for industry to grow and thrive through technology, collaboration and innovation.

“Effective knowledge sharing is fundamental to a thriving, resilient and productive economy. The NSW Energy and Resources Knowledge Hub is a NSW Government
initiative which connects industry, research organisations and government, adding to collaboration, innovation and growth in the energy and resources

Offering a host of information about business development and global connectivity, the hub includes case studies, programs, resource materials and
contact details.

Members include Local and State Government bodies such as the NSW Department of Industry, Regional Development Australia and the Australian Energy
Storage Alliance.

“This hub is a networked platform for the energy and resources sector to capture opportunities for growth, development, collaboration and innovation,”
Mrs Dixon said.

“In conjunction with the NSW Government and the University of Newcastle, the focus is on strong links between research and business.”

“With growth in the mining, manufacturing and renewable energy sectors in the Orana region, the hub offers the chance to maximise opportunities, find
like-minded cohorts and discover new ideas.”

An event offered through the hub is a Digital Bootcamp for SMEs at Mudgee Golf Club on February 16. Offered through Business Connect and funded by
the NSW Government, registrations can be made at www.energyinnovation.net.au or by contacting

bc@netstripes.com or 1300 108 880./ENDS