Have a good read of the information contained on this website.
Make an appointment for a pre-lodgement meeting with the Regional RDA. At this meeting, designated RDA will discuss your suitability for endorsement under the Orana DAMA. If you have already had previous discussions with us in regard to an application or are a migration agent, you can skip this step. This initial interview will check that:
Once your eligibility is confirmed, you will then be able to apply. This is another great chance to discuss any of your concerns before submission.
If you’ve met the labour market testing requirements (Check LMT Factsheet), complete the form supplied to you following your meeting with respective RDAs and work through the requirements using the checklist.
Electronically complete and lodge your application form via email, with the required evidence and supporting documents. We will issue you an invoice for payment (please note that the assessment will not commence until respective RDA has received your payment of the application fee).
Regional RDA emails:
ORANA: dama@rdaorana.org.au
CENTRAL WEST: migration@rdacentralwest.org.au
MURRAY: team@rdamurray.org.au
RIVERINA: info@rdariverina.org.au
SOUTHERN INLAND: migration@rdasna.org.au
RDA Orana Designated Area Representative (DAR) Endorsement Fees:
Endorsement Fees – $990.00 plus GST per position for the first five positions. After five positions, $550.00 plus GST per position.
Please note any request for DAMA variation will require a payment of $800 plus GST per position.
Regional RDA will assess your application for endorsement and provide initial feedback where required within 10 business days of the date of lodgement.
Your application for endorsement will be valid for three months from the date of lodgement, to enable time for the provision of additional information to us, where requested.
If the business is endorsed by RDA Orana, you will receive a letter of endorsement within 10 business days of the positive assessment.
This letter must be submitted to the Department of Home Affairs with your application for a labour agreement under the Orana DAMA. If your application is unsuccessful, you will also be advised.
Your Business Endorsement under the Orana DAMA is valid for a period of 12 months.
The employer lodges the labour agreement application with the Department of Home Affairs via ImmiAccount
RDA Orana will provide you with an online application guide (from the Department of Home Affairs) which will guide you through the online DAMA labour agreement request process.
This guide provides very specific instructions and assistance with the overall process for lodging a request through your ImmiAccount. There is no charge to lodge a Labour Agreement application with the Department of Home Affairs. Within 1-3 months, the Department of Home Affairs will contact you to:
Once your Labour Agreement has been approved, your business has 12 months to nominate a particular applicant.
Employers can then nominate overseas workers up to the occupations/position number limits specified in their labour agreement, with access to the Orana DAMA concessions endorsed by the DAR.
The employer lodges the nomination application with the Department of Home Affairs
Follow the instructions in the Nomination Application Guide
At this stage, you will pay the nomination fee and the Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) Levy that is applicable to your business size. Once your application is lodged and paid, you will be issued an acknowledgement email containing your transaction reference number (TRN). Your nominee (employee) will need this number to lodge their visa application.
Once a nomination is approved, the nominee/ employee lodges their visa application using the nomination TRN provided to the endorsed business.
Once the overseas worker has been employed on under the ORANA DAMA for at least three years, they may have access to a permanent (ENS subclass 186) visa.
DAMA Variation requests can include additional occupations, endorsement numbers, concession requests or visa-type variations.
To request a DAMA variation:
The employer must provide a letter (on the company's letterhead) to Regional RDA requesting a variation to the labour agreement and detailing what variations are needed and reasons for the request.
The cost of DAMA Variation is $800 plus GST per position for additional positions. For other variations like moving from Yr 1 to Yr 2, Concessions requests or change in visa type requests, the fee is $500 plus GST per position.
Endorsement to access the RDA ORANA Designated Area Migration Agreement (ORANA DAMA) is for up to five years. Initial allocation of occupation types and number of vacancies are for the first year only. Businesses seeking to access new overseas workers will need to apply to the ORANA DAMA Designated Area Representative each subsequent year for endorsement for further occupations, worker nominations or other variations to their labour agreement.
Documents required for additional numbers, concessions and occupations in subsequent years.
Your business needs to apply to the ORANA DAMA Designated Area Representative for subsequent year endorsement. Send us a letter for a DAMA Variation.